• cisinlabs posted an update in the group Horrible bosses 6 years, 9 months ago

    Is it normal/appropriate for a boss to comment on how one should wear their hair? My boss told me on two separate occasions that I should cut my hair or wear it up because I would look more professional. I have slightly longer than shoulder length hair, so after the second comment I told him that I refuse to cut my hair short to look more like a man and that I am disappointed that the…Read More

  • cisinlabs posted an update in the group Horrible bosses 6 years, 9 months ago

    Use this space to share stories and ask for advice about your boss. Fthisplace encourages comments that are supportive and constructive to enable self-confidence and personal development. Internet trolls are not welcome, posts will be screened. Refrain from using real company and people’s names. Enjoy!